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Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

The training

As a student at a university with an integrated degree program, you regularly change between theoretical and practical training phases during three years of study. The study course begins with a pre-university internship in July, except at the Homburg location (whether this pre-university internship is necessary here depends on prior training). From October onwards, you will alternate between the university with an integrated degree program and the company.

Your fields of activity after completing the studies

A wide range of opportunities will await you as a graduate of this comprehensive Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering studies course. Depending on whether your major field of study is manufacturing technology or design and development, you will work as a specialist in departments such as Design, Research, Development, Purchasing, Sales, Application Engineering and Project Management. All technically-oriented positions are open to graduates of this course.


  • General or subject-linked higher education entrance qualification
  • Focus on mathematics and physics
  • High motivation, flexibility, hands-on approach
  • Independent worker, initiative, team player
This integrated degree program is offered at the following locations:
Herzogenaurach: In cooperation with the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim
Luckenwalde: In cooperation with the Berlin School of Economics and Law


In den ersten Semestern des Studiums wird Ihnen ein breites, betriebswirtschaftliches Grundwissen vermittelt. Ihre Studienfächer reichen von Marketing über Personalwesen bis hin zu Finanz- und Rechnungswesen. Nachdem Sie sich das Basiswissen angeeignet haben, haben Sie ab dem fünften Semester die Möglichkeit, zwischen verschiedenen Vertiefungsfächern zu wählen. Damit können Sie sich auf einen bestimmten Unternehmensbereich spezialisieren und Ihre Fähigkeiten schon während des Studiums gezielt ausbauen. Um sich für spätere Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in unserem Unternehmen zu qualifizieren, werden Ihre Führungs- und Fremdsprachenkompetenzen frühzeitig trainiert.

The training

As a student at the DHBW Mannheim, you regularly change between theoretical and practical training phases during three years of study. The study program starts at the DHBW Mannheim in October after an introductory course in the company.

Your fields of activity after completing the studies

You are well-qualified in theory and practice after completing your Bachelor of Arts/Industrial Business Management studies. Depending on your major field of study, you will work in departments such as HR, Database Administration, Logistics, Production Planning and Control, Organization and Audits, Controlling, and Sales as a specialist.


  • Subject-linked higher education entrance qualification with focus on economics and mathematics
  • High motivation, flexibility, hands-on approach
  • Independent worker, initiative, team player
This integrated degree program is offered at the following location:
Herzogenaurach: In cooperation with the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim
Luckenwalde: In cooperation with the Berlin School of Economics and Law

Die Bewerbungsphase startet im Juli/August des Vorjahres.
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