We offer students a range of interesting and challenging topics for theses.
You can either search for existing topics in our job opportunities section or develop a new one in conjunction with our specialist department. We are always open to your suggestions and ideas!
Challenging topics.
We offer a range of interesting and challenging topics in various areas to students from a wide variety of disciplines. This is an excellent opportunity for you to benefit from our expertise and take a closer look at your possible future employer. As a forward-thinking company, Schaeffler is investing particularly in research and development.
Pre-study and basic internships
Promoting innovation
You can also submit your work for the FAG Foundation’s Innovation Award. The foundation bridges the gap between business and science by rewarding the ideas, visions, and goals of those working at universities, in research, and in companies.
As a result, you can apply for the Innovation Award with your thesis. Prizes are awarded for outstanding scientific work such as Master theses and dissertations.
Further Information

Diverse Areas of Application:
Testing, Application Engineering, Production, Sales, Purchasing, Design, Quality Assurance, Controlling, Finance, Systems Engineering, System Development, Marketing, HR, Logistics, Materials and Production Management, etc.

Your contribution:
A qualified topic is a prerequisite. You can search for topics in our Job Opportunities section or develop a new one in conjunction with our specialist departments. We are always open to your suggestions and ideas.

How it works:
You should submit your application approx. three to five months in advance, indicating the earliest possible start date, area of interest and a suggested topic.

What we can offer you:
We support you throughout your thesis with a monthly payment of € 1,050 for Bachelor theses and Master theses. You can receive a one-off, performance-related bonus payment on completion of your thesis.
We are happy to assist students from more remote universities in finding accommodation.
Experience us virtually and in live chat on our CareerXperience platform. There you can get in touch with us personally, register for lectures and visit our virtual training center.